Our school has aimed to make a student able to give competition in every step of life. Throughout the years we have been trying to grow a student mentally as well as physically. We have examples of students did not even pass the admission test, scored mervellous result in the Board exam. We have also examples of such students who did not have any scope of education, came here and made us proud with brilliant result. Not only in education, our students ranked in art competition organized by ‘Anandabazar Patrika’. In the competitive exam of ‘Bigyan Manch’ our students have ranked almost every year. What we have achieved is nothings as we have to go a long way with more successful examples. We need your help and co-operation in this journey of success.
Indoor game:- Our school provides facilities for indoor games which can give the students relaxation as well as develop mental strength. It relieves from their mental pressure.
Library:- In the present age of mobile and computer, people are forgetting the reading habit. We give the students chance to read according to their choices to grow the reading habit.
Computer Lab:- We have to go with the time and computer is the need at present, keeping this in mind we provide students the classes on computer in our computer lab.
Competitive Exam:- Reading books only of our syllabus in not enough. That’s why we give the students chance to sit for competitive exam so that they can be ready for future.
CCTV Camera:- Our aim is to give the students safety and security. For that we have connection of CCTV Camera in our hostel as well as in the classroom. Any kind of misdeeds are detected immediately.
Yoga:- A student needs to be strong mentally as well as physically. Our yoga classes provide the students chance to be strong physically. Yoga keeps the disease away.
Art:- We also have facilities of art classes. Our students take part in different art competition and make us proud with performances.
G.K:- G.K is also very necessary as students have to be prepared for future and students will learn many interesting things.
Hindi:- Hindi is our national language. So we should have the knowledge of Hindi. We teach students this subject for this purpose.
Maximum 30 students/Class:- We want to give concentration on each and every students. That’s why we have maximum 30 students in each class.
Cultural Programme:- Different types of cultural programmes are organized where students take part. These programmes encourage the students and give them relaxation.
Picnic:- Our school organize picnic every year so that the students do not feel bored in their regular study. They came to close contact with nature.
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